This post covers the creation,modification and deletion of virtual switches,distributed virtual switches and Port Group etc using the command esxcli network vswitch. under switch options it has 2 available options. dvs is for distributed virtual switch and standard for standard virtual switch.
~ # esxcli network vswitch
We will concentrate
on standard switch options one by one. Standard switch command has
number of subcommands under it to perform different types of opertaions at
various levels at virtual switch,uplink,port group ,security policy and traffic
shaping. Let’s have a detailed look at it.
1. Virtual Switch Settings
~ # esxcli network vswitch
1.1 To list the virtual switches
configured on the ESXi host.
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard list
Name: vSwitch0
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 3
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Uplinks: vmnic0
Portgroups: VMOTION, VM Network, Management Network
Name: vSwitch0
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 3
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Uplinks: vmnic0
Portgroups: VMOTION, VM Network, Management Network
1.2 To add a new virtual switch
called “vSwitch1″ to the ESXi host
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard add -v
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard list
Name: vSwitch0
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 3
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Uplinks: vmnic0
Portgroups: VMOTION, VM Network, Management Network
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard list
Name: vSwitch0
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 3
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Uplinks: vmnic0
Portgroups: VMOTION, VM Network, Management Network
Name: vSwitch1
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 1
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
Name: vSwitch1
Class: etherswitch
Num Ports: 128
Used Ports: 1
Configured Ports: 128
MTU: 1500
CDP Status: listen
Beacon Enabled: false
Beacon Interval: 1
Beacon Threshold: 3
Beacon Required By:
1.3 To set the MTU size and CDP
status of a virtual switch “vSwitch1″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard set -c
listen -m 1500 -v vSwitch1
1.4 To remove the vSwitch called
vSwitch1 from esxi host
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard remove -v
2. Virtual Switch Policy configuration
To configure
security,failover & shaping policy use the below commands
~ # esxcli network vswitch
standard policy
2.1 Configure Failover policy
for Virtual Switch
# esxcli network vswitch standard policy
2.1.1 To get the failover policy
of virtual switch called “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
failover get -v vSwitch0
Load Balancing: srcport
Network Failure Detection: link
Notify Switches: true
Failback: true
Active Adapters: vmnic0
Standby Adapters:
Unused Adapters:
~ #
Load Balancing: srcport
Network Failure Detection: link
Notify Switches: true
Failback: true
Active Adapters: vmnic0
Standby Adapters:
Unused Adapters:
~ #
2.1.2 To set the failover policy
of virtual switch called “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
failover set
~ # esxcli network
vswitch standard policy failover set -a vmnic0,vmnic1 -b true -f link -l
explicit -n true -s vmnic2 -v vSwitch0
2.2 Configure security policy
for Virtual Switch
2.2.1 To get the security policy
of virtual switch called “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
security get -v vSwitch0
Allow Promiscuous: false
Allow MAC Address Change: true
Allow Forged Transmits: true
Allow Promiscuous: false
Allow MAC Address Change: true
Allow Forged Transmits: true
2.2.2 To set the security policy
of Virtual switch Called “vSwitch1″
~ # esxcli network vswitch
standard policy security set
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
security set -f true -m false -p true -v vSwitch0
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
security get -v vSwitch0
Allow Promiscuous: true
Allow MAC Address Change: false
Allow Forged Transmits: true
Allow Promiscuous: true
Allow MAC Address Change: false
Allow Forged Transmits: true
2.3 Configure traffic shaping
policy for Virtual Switch
2.3.1 To get traffic shaping policy
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard policy
shaping get -v vSwitch0
Enabled: false
Average Bandwidth: -1 Kbps
Peak Bandwidth: -1 Kbps
Burst Size: -1 Kib
Enabled: false
Average Bandwidth: -1 Kbps
Peak Bandwidth: -1 Kbps
Burst Size: -1 Kib
2.3.2 To set traffic shaping
~ # esxcli network
vswitch standard policy shaping set -e true -b 10000 -t 102000 -k 10000
-v vSwitch0
3. Configure Port Group for ESXi
~ # esxcli network vswitch
standard portgroup
3.1 To list the available port
group of ESXi host
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
3.2 To add a port group called
“VMOTION” in the virtual switch “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
add -p VMOTION -v vSwitch0
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
VMOTION vSwitch0 0 0
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
VMOTION vSwitch0 0 0
3.3 To set VLAN ID for the port
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
set -p VMOTION -v 15
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
VMOTION vSwitch0 0 15
Name Virtual Switch Active Clients VLAN ID
—————— ————– ————– ——-
Management Network vSwitch0 1 0
VM Network vSwitch0 0 0
VMOTION vSwitch0 0 15
3.4 To remove port group called
“VMOTION” from virtual switch “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup
remove -p VMOTION -v vSwitch0
4. To configure Uplink for ESXi host
~ # esxcli network vswitch
standard uplink
4.1 To add a uplink called
“vmnic3″ into virtual switch “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard uplink add
-u vmnic3 -v vSwitch0
4.2 To remove a uplink called
“vmnic3″ from virtual switch “vSwitch0″
~ # esxcli network vswitch standard uplink
remove -u vmnic3 -v vSwitch0
~ # esxcli network vswitch
Usage: esxcli network vswitch {cmd} [cmd options]
Usage: esxcli network vswitch {cmd} [cmd options]
Available Namespaces:
dvs Commands to retrieve Distributed Virtual Switch information
standard Commands to list and manipulate Legacy Virtual Switches on an ESX host.
dvs Commands to retrieve Distributed Virtual Switch information
standard Commands to list and manipulate Legacy Virtual Switches on an ESX host.
~ # esxcli network vswitch dvs
Usage: esxcli network vswitch dvs {cmd} [cmd options]
Usage: esxcli network vswitch dvs {cmd} [cmd options]
Available Namespaces:
vmware Commands to retrieve VMware vSphere Distributed Switch information
vmware Commands to retrieve VMware vSphere Distributed Switch information
~ # esxcli network vswitch dvs
vmware list
~ #
~ #
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